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Archived Posts - July 2001

Jul 31st

Stuff & THins

As the trading deadline looms...

  DeathWhore's Auction Goes Live  - [ Forrest | 21:26 EST ]

DeathWhore just dropped us a note that his auction (see below) has gone live. (Click here). The bidding starts at $7.77 and the auction will last one week (seven days). So hurry on over before someone starts dropping those big seven-figure numbers around!

Mythwolfage.com gets some new skin  - [ Lophan | 08:35 EST ]

Over the weekend, mythwolfage.com got a facelift complete with a new, clean design and some nifty new graphics. Some of the new features include a desktop picture section for those of you with artistic talent and some skill with Photoshop et al. There's nothing in there yet, but then again, at one point the HBO Wallpaper Section was empty... and look at it now!

If you've got a minute... check it out. Besides... I just want to see what our bungie.net channel says when it sees the word "wolfage" :P

Jul 30th


  Heron Guard King Triples His Collection  - [ Forrest | 00:27 EST ]

Yep, that's right, Jack "Heron Guard King" Swayze has sent in two more films for Mythmaster Central!

The first of them is of "The Summoner", and Heron does this level using no vets, on Legendary, killing everything, and exploring everywhere, not only with no casualties, but with no damage even!

Check out Summoner King!

The second film is also no vets, leg, kill all, and no damage. Watch out folks, looks like we got another Asmo on our hands here!

Check out Heron Guard Shiver!

Jul 26th

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy


  Let the Myth III ads commence!  - [ Lophan | 09:11 EST ]

I've seen my first magazine ad for Mumbo Jumbo's upcoming Myth III: The Wolf Age in this month's edition of PCGamer. You can find it on page 39 squeezed between an interview with some guys named Mike Verdu and Cliff Bleszinski and some game called Unreal II (?)

Since I don't have a scanner, here's a description: on the left side, Connacht in full wolf-gear is kneeling holding a staff or other sort of weapon (it's mostly out of view) with the Myth III logo on the right. The quote reads

"If you are a fan of the first two Myth games, do not hesitate to look forward to Myth III. This game looks great!"
Ahhh... and in a PC magazine no less :P Release date still indicates Fall 2001. If you happen upon any additional ads, let us know.

PRs from Project Magma  - [ Forrest | 00:18 EST ]

A few bits of PR from Project Magma, courtesy of Kira-Baka:

"BattleWatch Talks It Up, Real Time"

After 2 months as a simple listing service, Project Magma has fleshed out their web-based BattleWatch game finder to incorporate news, a forum and real-time chat at bw.projectmagma.net.

After months of investigating existing real-time chat options, an IRC-based Java applet was selected that provided greatest compatibility and functionality. IRC users are also able to use dedicated clients to get into the #BattleWatch channel via the IRC server irc.accessirc.net. Instructions are available at the BattleWatch site.

News and design was kindly supplied by one of TFL's most community-active orders 'Mything In Action' ( http://www.m-i-a.net/ ) under the guidance of MIA's DeadMan and Evil, with server and networking implementation from Losk of the SJ order.

This communications web-hub completes stage two of a three stage plan set by Project Magma in April this year. While game detection has so far escaped the group, future revisions of the BattleWatch service will continue to explore this facility.

Entries continue to roll in for Project Magma's "Return of The Fallen Lords II: TOTAL CARNAGE" tournament, http://projectmagma.net.net/rotfl2/. With highly sought-after collectibles for the winners, tons of swag for the lucky and some very interesting people to play with in this Bungie-backed tournament, RoTFL2 is tipped to be the social highpoint of TFL this year!

All sounds very kick-ass. Lets give a big round of applause Project Magma for BattleWatch, ROTFL, and all the other good stuff they're doing to keep classic TFL alive!

Jul 23rd

Double-negatives can be fun too!

  Pre-postmortem on Myth III at MWNY '01  - [ Lophan | 17:58 EST ]

I'm in the midst of putting together a brief post-mortem on my trip to MacWorld NY this past weekend, but I wanted to mention one or two things that might be of interest.

Myth III didn't have an "official" presence at MacWorld per se, however... thanks to the well-connected Freewill and the miracle of cellular phone technology, I got to actually play a short demo level of Myth III over in the ATI booth. I also spoke briefly with Mark Dochtermann, President and Technical Director for Mumbo Jumbo, about the game's current status. In addition to some other little tidbits, here's two pieces of info for you to chew on:

  • Myth III is about to enter alpha stage, and...
  • While 5 netmaps is a number that has been bantered around, Mark suggests that we not act so surprised if we see a few "oldies" make an appearance in The Wolf Age.
Again, more to come soon, but for now I have to go back to my B-school application (damn personal essay questions!)

Jul 21st

A preview, screenshots, and 4 movies... what does that mean? It's getting closer to launch! woohoo!

  New Myth III preview article! Plus extra goodies!  - [ Freewill | 10:36 EST ]

Check out the preview over at Gamespy. Great details on how the team is progressing on what is sure to be another must-have title!

Of double interest is that at the end, there are some new screenshots (pigs? pre-maul? LOL!) and four Quicktime movies of character animations for you to download. Whoot! So what do dorfs do best? :-)

Also, keep an eye out at Bungie Sightings, as I took some pictures of the alpha build of Myth III that was snuck into Macworld Expo New York and should be posting it up ASAP.

Jul 19th

DeathWhore sells his soul... er, stuff...

  Bungie Ephemera For Sale, Cheap!  - [ Forrest | 23:14 EST ]

(UPDATE 7/20 - DeathWhore kindly sent us a picture of the goods, so you can see exactly what it is you will be bidding for Soon™).

We got this in the mail from the venerable Myther DeathWhore the other day, and thought it might be of interest to all you people out there in Bungie land:

As Myth III approaches, and I've been cleaning house, I thought maybe it might be time to get rid of some of the Bungie goodies I've collected over the years. That's why on August 1st I'm going to be auctioning off some wonderful Bungie Ephemera on eBay. It includes:

A Soulblighter bust - These were produced in extremely limited quantities, and are impossible to find (try doing a search on Google). Soulblighter, in all his gory... er, glory, ready to hold your pencils. Cast out of space-age plastic-epoxy resin of some sort, it's the perfect thing for.. well, making others envious, of course.

Stickers - Everyone knows a TRUE fan is judged by how many stickers they have. Round out your collection with three Myth The Fallen Lords stickers, four Myth II Soulblighter stickers, and three very cool Bungie Software Products Corporation stickers, with their infamous motto: "Non facete nobis calcitrare vestrum perinaeum". Or, in common parlance, "Don't make us kick your ass." ALL in brand-spankin' new condition.

Two original Bungie business cards - That's right, business cards from back when Bungie wasn't under the iron fist of the evil empire. Both Alexander Seropian, CEO and Max Hoberman, Web Messiah are represented. Complete with nifty Myth II drawings by Juan Ramirez!

The Myth II Handbook - Written and published by yours truly, and hailed by some drunken fool as one of the best books on Myth II ever written, this is the one guide to own if you only own one guide. And I'll not only sign it, I'll dedicate it to whoever buys all this junk!

There's likely to be more stuff in the auction by the time it hits the web... I might even be auctioning off my original gen-ewe-ine Daimyo production disc, replete with unfinished maps, artwork and who knows what else. Only time will tell... keep your eye on eBay, and I'll send an auction number when it goes live.

Wow! That's quite a collection! Especially a DEDICATED Myth II handbook! Imagine: "the Myth II Handbook, dedicated to John Q Bungiefan, without whom I'd still have all this crap taking up room in my house." I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Please don't kill me!

We'll be sure to post the auction number when the stuff goes up for sale. Until then, happy Mything everyone!

Jul 18th

The question: when is Forrest's site going live?

  MacSoft's Myth III wesbite goes live  - [ Lophan | 08:59 EST ]

Thanks go to r.net for the heads-up on MacSoft's Myth III site. Small wonder the elevation coincides with the advent of MWNY, but beggars can't be choosers.

Although sparse on the new info, it's good to see the marketing machine start to rumble into gear. Here's to hopes of a good showing and maybe a new movie or two by the end of the week. Stay tuned!

Jul 17th

I got yer wolfage right here...

  Official Myth 3 Website Opens  - [ Forrest | 14:47 EST ]

Thanks to Loon on the BorgHL news for pointing out that the official GoD Myth 3 website has now opened. It's online at http://myth3.godgames.com. I haven't checked it out yet, but I'm going to do so right now... I'd suggest you do the same!

Jul 13th

Apple gets into the act...

  Myth III at Apple Games Trailer site  - [ Lophan | 08:12 EST ]

Thanks to Acrappa at rampancy.net, who gives us our first Myth III related news of the week: Apple has added Myth III to their Games Trailers section. I'd tell you a little about the trailer, but you need Quicktime and the machine I'm on right now won't allow me to install the plug-in (::kicks Wintel box::).

For the rest of you game munkies, trailers for American McGee's Alice and Blizzard's upcoming Warcraft III are also included. Check it out...

(Update by Forrest: yes, it's just the normal Myth III trailer that was hidden in a corner on the showfloor at E3... and blasted on a giant screen in a stupid private lot with strippers and beer, but lets not mention that part again. Point is, you've seen it already).

Jul 12th


  OMG MMC HAZ FILMZ MB!  - [ Forrest | 03:48 EST ]

Yes, that's right! Our first new film in quite a while! And seeing how this is officially the first MMC news post on the main page instead of just a link to the old MMC news pages, I think it's appropriate that Jack "Heron Guard King" Swayze has submitted a film of something that, AFAIK, has never been done before.

What is is that he has done, is to Vid Myth II's "Twice Born" on Legendary, and taking no casualties - INCLUDING the computer-controlled armies! Now THIS is how the climax of Myth II was meant to be seen - three small armies, dispatching Mahir left and right, backing Soulblighter into a corner, as Alric charges ahead, Balmung flashing, and chases him up into Tharsis...

Check out "Double Heron"!

Jul 11th


  Bartender! A shot of hard malt liquor  - [ Forrest | 00:21 EST ]

...and a bottle of Surly Dwarf for the lady!

Thanks to Ian McConville of MacHall fame, Miguel Chaves of Bungie Sightings fame, and B.org's own Claude Errera of various fames and fortunes... WE NOW HAVE T-SHIRTS!!!

Well, not MBO specifically, but B.org in general. The shirts feature a bar scene featuring Pfhor and Elite Strikers getting down on the dancefloor, Marathon and Halo marines chatting it up while a Juggernaut and a giant trebuchet loom over them ominously, a BoB sitting off lonely in the corner being served by Surly the Dwarven Bartender, and of course the inevitable "when worlds collide" anachronism, Myth's favorite hunk, Soulblighter, hitting on the OMG CEXI heroine of Oni, Konoko.

You can read all about it here.

Jul 9th

Got news? Let us know...

  'Cats & Dogs' Tops at Box-Office  - [ Lophan | 13:45 EST ]

Yes, the seventh seal has been broken. The earth will shudder and the moon will become as blood. "Cats & Dogs" was this weekend's winner at the box-office pulling in receipts of $21.7 million dollars. Only slightly less disturbing is the fact that "Scary Movie 2" came in second with $21 million.

What does this have to do with Myth, you ask? Well... nothing. We haven't had anything noteworthy to report on for some time but I didn't want to seem too much like the slacker you all know that I am. If you happen to be in the greater New York area and/or are attending MacWorld New York, check out Bungie Sightings and meet up with us for dinner and beers (or soda, as applicable). It may not be a "FanFest" per se, but I'm sure we'll have a hell of a lot of fun. Oh yeah, and submit a story to Great Gaming Moments while you're at it!

Jul 5th


  Myrgard.com?  - [ Forrest | 19:34 EST ]

An anonymous tipser sent us the following URL:


Looks like the Myth news community is getting a new member soon. Perfect timing too, what with the impending shutdown of Rampancy.net's news and all.

Jul 2nd

Note: Cough medicine contains alcohol (yum!)

  Myth III: TWA mention in PC Gamer  - [ Lophan | 10:01 EST ]

Just received my copy of PC GAMER August 2001 issue, and on page 20 under their E3 "The Rest of Show" section, we get a Myth mention. Here it is:

Myth III: The Wolf Age
This third chapter in the extremely popular Myth series is a prequel to the original game. Set a thousand years before Myth: The Fallen Lords, it focuses on a new hero and many races. And, for the first time ever, the entire game world and all its inhabitants will be rendered in true 3D glory. The developer also seems to have a good handle on correcting some of the control confusions that caused problems with the earlier Myth games, ensuring a focus on the small-scale tactical combat, and not fighting with the camera. - GV (Greg Vederman)
-Mumbo Jumbo; G.O.D.; Nov. '01
"extremely popular" eh?... I'll take it. To this day I will stand by my notion that if one took just a few minutes to play the tuturial on both Myth: TFL & SB, then 90% of the 'camera control' problems would be solved, but I digress.

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