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Archived Posts - February 2003

Feb 25th

M2 Carbon?!

  Myth 2 and 3 Update  - [ Gholsbane | 21:03 EST ]

Playmyth.net have announced they will be releasing an update to Myth II:Soulblighter on March 15th. The update will enable support for OSX and improved performance under XP as well as several other enhancements. Hopefully, this update will spark a new surge in interest in the Myth series as old schoolers return and new recruits flood the ranked rooms. A date has also been set for the release of the Myth 3 update which should be available for download on April 15th. This too, is a good thing.

Feb 19th

Brian Morden Fund

Myth 3 Beta

  Donate to the Brian Morden Fund  - [ Gholsbane | 10:34 EST ]

In memory of Brian Morden, AKA *Ar-Isildur, a fund has been set up to support higher education scholarships, Ewing's Sarcoma research and the ward that cared for Brian during his final relapse. You can make a cheque donation or use PayPal to show your support.

Additionally, Conner, of marius net has offered to make a donation based on Thurday's peak player total so the more players online, the greater the donation. This coincides with TFL Nite on the mnet server so you have no excuse not to take part. If you aren't yet a member, be sure to register well before 5pm EST on Thursday.

Also of note is the theme of Myth 2 Nite for the next few weeks. The featured maps of the week will be those known to be favorites of *Ar's and will be played in his honour on Fridays till the end of the month.

Myth 3 in Beta Soon!  - [ Gholsbane | 10:17 EST ]

PlayMyth have announced that the Myth 3 update will soon be entering beta phase and this time the files will be available through web links. You will still need to own Myth 3 though.

Blades also adds the following enticing tidbit concerning an update to the pm.net server:

Also - you may experience some intermittent down time as we prepare the updates to the PlayMyth.net server. We're preparing for something big. And by big I mean big. Look for an announcement on this in the next week, but we will have a major community announcement around the end of February. This announcement will coincide with the release of the beta Myth 3. We're working behind the scenes to get this done.
Let's hope they don't mean Soon™

Feb 15th


  RIP, *Ar-Isildur  - [ Forrest | 21:11 EST ]

As usual, it takes something really big to get me to post news these days...

"I have not the heart to say; for me the grief is still to near."

Feb 14th

BS Interviews

  Sorcha Payne Interviewed  - [ Gholsbane | 08:44 EST ]

poena.dare writes with news of an interview at Bungie Sighings with Kathy Tafel AKA Sorcha Payne, an ex Civil Order Myther. The interview deals with the aftermath of that fateful day five years ago when Sorcha won the coveted Trow statue in Bungie's St. Valentine's Day Massacre and the effect it had on her life. If you're interested in the rockstar lives of famous Myth tourney winners, give this article a read.

Feb 12th

M2 Tourney

  Shogun 2 FFA Tourney  - [ Gholsbane | 14:53 EST ]

PlayMyth are reporting a new Myth 2 FFA tourney to be held on their server. The tourney, Shogun 2, is being organised by Imperium who are hoping for a large turn out of 144 players in 24 brackets of 6. Sounds fun, so get on and register already!

Feb 11th

Myth 3 Journals

  Journals Prettified  - [ Gholsbane | 16:43 EST ]

Sparked by some comments on the forum about broken images, I was inspired to pretty up the Myth 3 Journal pages somewhat. The Win/Loss images are still missing (and desparately needed), but the pages are no longer plagued with red crosses. A small amount of layout adjustment was made as well but probably only I'll notice that. Oh and all pregame pics (and some overhead pics) are in png format now so if you have trouble loading them in the page, let me know.

Feb 9th

BS Interviews

  Jay Barry Interviewed  - [ Gholsbane | 07:06 EST ]

poena.dare #CP# over at Bungie Sightings writes to let us know of an interview he conducted with Jay Barry for BS:

Come by Bungie Sightings and check out the Jay Barry interview. Jay talks about his experiences at Bungie during the development of Myth: The Fallen Lords, the levels he had a hand in designing, and even touches on the identity of the mysterious Bungie Webmaster. Guaranteed to be an interesting read.
The interview covers his early work with Bungie including his job as a level designer on Myth: TFL.

While you're there, check out the Bungie Staff Tracker, an ongoing project to identify Bungie employees past and present. If you notice anything missing, feel free to drop me or pd a line.

Feb 6th

Myth 3

Oh yeah.

  Myth 3 Alpha  - [ Gholsbane | 15:29 EST ]

PlayMyth are reporting the release of alpha build 172 of Myth 3. The build runs on both Mac and PC and allows you to connect to the PM.net server. It's currently only available on the MythDev hotline server so you'll need a hotline client to grab it.

TFL Night on MariusNet  - [ Zandervix | 13:41 EST ]

You know what to do.

Feb 2nd


  PlayMyth 3 Screens  - [ Gholsbane | 11:47 EST ]

Blades over at PlayMyth.net has released some progress screenshots of Myth 3 on the PM.net servers. This is an encouraging look at what will soon be a reality.

Feb 1th


  Happy New Year  - [ Gholsbane | 00:00 EST ]

That's right, it's New Year all over again. This lunar year is the year of the goat so be kind to goats and stuff. If you're Chinese.

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