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Archived Posts - September 2002

Sep 29th

They grow up so fast.

  Happy Birthday Gholsbane!!!  - [ Zandervix | 09:52 EST ]

Hey, Hey! I'd like to wish Gholsbane a happy birthday today! And, being that today is his b'day, it seemed an appropriate time to do it. :)

Sep 28th

New Map

  'Frenzy of the Damned' Released  - [ Zandervix | 18:13 EST ]

Connor announces his new map for TFL, Frenzy of the Damned. Go here to check it out.

Sep 23rd

2 new maps

On the move


  SOMM Releases 2 New Maps  - [ Zandervix | 14:53 EST ]

The following was ripped from the headlines at PlayMyth:

Hey all! This past week, SoMM has released 2 maps, Death in the Middle and Death from all Sides. They both contain same color map but one is a solo and the other is a multiplayer.

DFAS(Death from all Sides) is the solo and DITM(Death in the Middle) is the multiplayer. Both maps have been highly praised by the testers and other that have downloaded them.

The solo mesh, DFAS, is VERY hard to beat, so please, try your best! If you are able to beat it, send me an email containing the film and I might find something to do with it, like post on a website with your name.

Anyways please try these maps out, very fun, especially with teams! Have fun all and happy gaming! Both maps are located at The Mill and Mythmaps.com

MariusNet News...  - [ Zandervix | 14:47 EST ]

As if you didn't know it, tonight is SB night on MariusNet. However, SB night is on the move. Here's the details from MythForums:

It's Monday and you know what that mean... It's Myth2 Nite on Mariusnet !

In the interest of time, there's no special map of the week for tonite, just bring what ya got and get some games in!

Also, Myth2 Nite will be moving to Saturdays beginning this weekend ! This Saturday, the 28th of September will be the first Saturday Myth2 Nite. Why? you ask. Several reasons actually, one (and the most important) being to allow more people to get on and play. Typically, noone has to work or go to school on a Sunday, so we can all stay up and play longer =)

Does this mean Mondays are dead? In my opinion, hell no. I still enjoy Mondays as do others, and still plan to be on Monday nights as well as the new Saturdays.

On a side note, I won't be able to make it tonite, I have relatives in town visiting this week, but don't let that stop you from getting out and getting your game on.

PlayMyth News  - [ Zandervix | 14:44 EST ]

From the PlayMyth news page:

In an effort to spread people out over more rooms, reduce overall lag, and a few other reasons I can't remember at the moment, we have decreased the number of players allowed per room from 55 max to 45 max. We are going to keep it like this for at least a week while we analyze the effects and gather player comments. It will become permanent if it goes as well as we think it will.

Sep 20th


Death of a Salesman

  Asian Cops Presents 'Trow 3v3 Tourney'  - [ Zandervix | 14:31 EST ]

The Trow 3vs3 Tourney is a contest to be played on the battlefield of TFL's "If I had a Trow" map. Signups are going on now until October 1st, with the tourney starting on the 11th and lasting through the 15th. Check out the tourney site for more news.

MythAds Closes  - [ Gholsbane | 14:20 EST ]

vinylrake sent us note that he will be closing down his MythAds site. He says that the site never got enough traffic or postings to be justified. I think it was a valiant effort no less to bring a bit of life back into the community by providing an innovative service.

You still have a month to check out the site before it closes outright so take the time to go and pay your final respects.

All I can say is well done to him for trying. I guess the community is becoming sparser by the minute.

Nevertheless, we remain, so drop by The Asylum for old time's sake and some quality discussion.

Sep 18th


  PlayMyth v1.2 On It's Way  - [ Zandervix | 11:57 EST ]

Here's a copy & paste from PlayMyth:

The PlayMyth 1.2 plugin for Myth 2 will be released sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. Everyone using the current 1.1 plugin will need to upgrade to the 1.2 patch in order to continue playing on PlayMyth.net. This plugin fixes several bugs with the 1.1 plugin (especially on Macintosh) and allows for users to select one of 6 different themes or build their own.

Please aware that you must upgrade to the 1.2 plugin once it is released. We will have a firm release date within the coming days. This post is designed to notify you in advance that the change is coming :)

Sep 14th

More Films!

  Mythmaster Central Update  - [ Zandervix | 02:13 EST ]

As if "The Lost Films" (see below) weren't enough, here are four more for your viewing pleasure. First, we have three films from "The Fox." For her first films submitted to the MMC, she sent us two for 'Journey to Llancarfan' and one for 'The Pack-Mage,' from MWA. All three are excellent films and deserve a look.

Also, we have one film from yours truly in a pathetic attempt to complete all levels with at least 6 laws. This time around I give you 'The Stair of Grief' from SB.

Well, that's it for now. Let's get some films up in here!

Sep 13th


  Mythmaster Presents "The Lost Films"  - [ Zandervix | 19:21 EST ]

Well, recently I did a little "house cleaning" through the MMC. I went to download a film, and I was told it didn't exist. What?! I knew it was there, I saw it before on my admin screens. So, I went through and checked every link for every film. Seems that about 20-25 links were wrong. So I fixed 'em. These films that you couldn't get before are now there for your viewing pleasure. And we're talking about films from such masters and old-timers as Achilles, Ares, Asmodeus, DeepThought, Face, Henry V, Plourde, Soulblader, Tribunal, and the Wolfpack. I also found 4 films that weren't even on the search and added them. Two from Asmodeus, one from Soulblader, and one from the Wolfpack.

As if that weren't enough, I received permission to put up the Myth 2 Done Quick winners. This contest ended almost two years ago, and each film shows the fastest (known) way to finish each level in Myth II. Some real good stuff.

Also, look for a few new entries to be added in a couple of days, and keep those films rollin' in!

Sep 11th


New stuff!

  Remembering 9-11  - [ Zandervix | 13:48 EST ]

Today is the one year anniversary of the terrorism attacks on the U.S. My deepest sympathy and respect for those people who have had to live a full year without the loved ones they lost on that tragic day. Bless you all, and God bless the USA!

Renaissance Releases "Dol Baran"  - [ Zandervix | 13:40 EST ]

Thanks to IronDuke for pointing this out in our forum: Renassaince has just released a new plugin titled "Dol Baran," now available at The Mill. One of the neat things about this plugin is that it is available for SB and TFL. Check it out!

This is a large and beautiful desert map by Sandman, set in the Barrier amid high stony plateaus, narrow ledges and deep thirsty valleys. It is also available for both TFL and Myth 2!

The Solo sees your small party trapped on a narrow rockbridge, surrounded on all sides by the army of the Watcher who is intent on recovering his lost arm. Randomized waves of enemy surge at you from all sides, making this an unbelievably tough (yet fun) struggle.

Multiplayer features several light and dark meshes, plus some awesome two-team meshes. The terrain offers a fascinating variety of strategies and intensely enjoyable gameplay.

So, go get it now and fire up some games, you won't be disappointed!

Dol Baran for SB

Dol Baran for TFL

Sep 8th


  Andrew Meggs gone mad?  - [ Gholsbane | 15:47 EST ]

Antennahead.com is sprouting rubbish again with this cryptic message adorning its front page:

I don't know, Cary. Did you ask Mr. Hat?
Strange, to say the least. Well, actually, South Park to say the least, but let's not go into that. The code for the previously prominent teaser is still there in the source but in annotation format.

Sep 3rd

More butt kicking

  Mazzarin's Demise Version 2 Released  - [ Zandervix | 14:29 EST ]

Doobie wrote us with this bit of news:

Mazzarin's Demise fans rejoice! Project Magma proudly announces a revised version currently available at projectmagma.net and µDog Hotline. Nearly 100 improvements and enhancements have been made including 8 player support, hundreds of more enemies, a more action packed pacing, more powerful 'Light' units and much, much more. Everything was designed around making the map even more fun, so go snag it now! The first team to beat Legendary on Mnet will have acknowledgements and their film permanently posted on projectmagma.net. Good luck!

Sep 2nd

Are you talented?

SB Night

  Art Contest Sponsored by MythWA  - [ Zandervix | 14:12 EST ]

MythWA is having an art contest. Here's the basics:

Is ART your big thing? Well then look no further...We are holding a contest for myth artists. The art project can be any myth related unit, map, or a design. If you have done one, send it to my email address and at the end of the month of September we will choose the winner...the winner will have his/her picture posted on the site with a big #1 to it. We will also show 2nd and 3rd places. So get drawing on your masterpiece. All drawings can be made by hand drawn or by a program such as Photoshop. So show your love for myth and start getting creative.

SB Night at MariusNet  - [ Zandervix | 14:08 EST ]

Tonight, of course, is SB night over at MariusNet. And the map of choice is Picket Fences. Have a blast!

Sep 1th

Fan Fiction

TFL Revered

  Other Fiction Added  - [ Gholsbane | 07:14 EST ]

I just posted zeph's Fan Fiction piece, The Darkness Returns, set just before The Great Library. It's a good read and shows Alric's humanity. While you're at it, check out the rest of Other Fiction as inspiration for the next masterpiece to grace the archive.

While I'm on the subject, I feel it may be useful to post some brief Fan Fiction Submission Guidelines:

Please note that entries will only be considered if sent via email though feel free to post to the forums beforehand.

The most convenient format for entries is HTML but Microsoft Word, Appleworks, BBEdit, RTF and Simple Text are all accepted. Check the current entries for paragraph formatting, etc.

MacGamer honours Myth: TFL  - [ Gholsbane | 05:59 EST ]

Thanks to Stinger in the Asylum for pointing out that MacGamer have posted another of their Oldschool MacGamer articles on Myth: The Fallen Lords, the game that started it all. Check out the article here.

It's always good to hear that Myth still holds a special place in people's hearts.

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