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Archived Posts - May 2003

May 30th

More Delays

  1.4 Patch Delayed  - [ Gholsbane | 04:43 EST ]

ProjectMagma have again had to delay the release of the much anticipated 1.4 Myth II patch. Just be encouraged that the team are trying their best to squash any bugs that will get in the way of an enoyable experience. Patience.

May 28th

Magma cooling in a subaqueous environment.

  ProjectMagma.net Updates  - [ Gholsbane | 11:25 EST ]

The Myth II 1.4 Map Making Guide has been updated and both versions are still available from the ProjectMagma website.

A new project has also been added to the Downloads section. As well as offering a TFL interface plugin, Magma are making a Chimera interface available when the 1.4 patch is released on May 30th. Most other downloads will be active then as well. Not long to go now.

Update: Some changes were also made to the FAQ and a new User Guide has been added as well.

May 25th

Mark and remember

  A Couple of Reminders  - [ Zandervix | 12:00 EST ]

1) The RMA Mapmaking Contest is still going on. See their site for more info and how to enter.


2) You can still host your own Bungie fansite over at Forurunners. And while you're there, check out their Myth Hub.

May 24th

Slow news day, huh?

  Editorials All the Rage  - [ Zandervix | 12:00 EST ]

In the last couple days, two sites have posted some editorials on their news page. Check out The Anatomy of a Game over at PlayMyth, and the rather short (although the longer full version is available in their forum - just click the link at the bottom of the story)Does Myth have a Future? over at MythWA.

May 18th

Teamus Maximus

  MWC '03 Closes Registration  - [ Zandervix | 13:33 EST ]

Well, that's it. If you haven't registered a team yet, you're too late. MWC '03 has reported that with an original expectation of 16-20 teams, they now have 32(!). The dates haven't been set yet, but stay tuned to for more info.

May 8th

Like you needed me to tell you

  TFL Night on MariusNet  - [ Zandervix | 12:00 EST ]

Uh... like the title says, it's TFL night over at MariusNet.

May 7th

I think I'm gonna cry

  MWC '03!! Announced  - [ Zandervix | 12:00 EST ]

Yes, yes, I know. Gholsbane already announced this the other day. But in my excitement, I thought it deserved yet another post (in case you missed it). Myth World Cup is back! Makes you feel kind of tingly all over, doesn't it?

There was no MWC '02, so there seemed to be a hole in the Myth universe. Well, no more. One good thing about this is, I have heard and talked to some long past community members who are planning on making a return for this event, and that's always a good thing.

For all the MWC goodness (as well as links to past MWC sites), check out the MWC'03 Homepage! WOO!

May 6th

Bottles, Satchels, and Explosions, oh my!

  "Rocket Dorf Fest" 2.0 now at The Mill  - [ Zandervix | 12:00 EST ]

From Baak:

"Rocket Dorf Fest!!" fans rejoice! :D

Version 2.0 has just been released and it's so sweet your dentist doesn't want you going near it! ;)

Many thanks to the Members of the Order of H'pak for final testing (we played 18 of 24 games last Saturday that were RDF for a total of *five-and-a-half hours* of Mything! On top of several RDF Co-op games during the week!), Haravikk and Rabid Wombat for extra feedback, and all the RDF Players!

If you haven't played RDF yet, you have *absolutely no idea* how much fun you're missing out on! :D

Grab it quick! here


May 5th

1.4 Update


  Myth II 1.4 Patch Delayed  - [ Gholsbane | 17:29 EST ]

Myth 2 v1.4 project lead and head programmer Iron recently posted to the ProjectMagma.net forums to say that the 1.4 patch will no longer be released on May 15th. The date has been pushed back to May 30th so that all last minute testing and tweaking can be fitted in.

Though this delay might seem like a disappointment, I expect we'd all much rather a polished patch than a buggy one rushed for release.

For exact details, check out his forum post for yourselves.

Myth World Cup 2003 Announced  - [ Gholsbane | 17:16 EST ]

Yes, Myth World Cup has returned. After a year of hiatus, a new team has taken up the reigns of the infamous tournament which is now accepting registration. It's unclear when matches will start but the qualifiers should be underway shortly after the team limit is reached.

20-24 teams are expected to sign up but there will be room for more. So gather up your old order mates and playing buddies and sort out a team for what will hopefully be yet another successful tourney.

May 3rd

Comics down under.

Myth III Weekend

  Crocodile Bungie Comic  - [ Gholsbane | 10:09 EST ]

Tatyana of Crocodile Bungie has produced an excellent comic depicting a true event during her initiation to Myth. I'm sure many of us can identify with this.

There are also plans for more to come so keep an eye out here for news of the next strip.

Also, if you're an Australian Bungie fan and haven't yet heard of CB, you may want to join their 7th Column chapter for carnage closer to home.

PlayMyth.net Myth III Party  - [ Gholsbane | 09:58 EST ]

Over the course of the weekend, PlayMyth.net are hosting a Myth 3 party for all and sundry. Essential plugins to download from the Mill include Rhi'anon Revisited and Valley Of The Damned by Pezzah as well as Leadfeather's updated A Place to Stand. You'll also want the TFL, SB and Creation map packs.

May 2nd

Magma Flow

  ProjectMagma Updates  - [ Gholsbane | 12:27 EST ]

Doobie wrote in to let us know of several recent updates to ProjectMagma.net.

First, the Myth II 1.4 Map Making Guide has finally been posted with tips on using the exciting new features of the forthcoming update. This is worth a read even if you aren't a mapmaker as it offers a good deal of insight into the shape of things to come. And damn if it isn't an attractive shape indeed. [pdf]

The Downloads section of the site has also received a makeover with new screenshots to accompany the plugins scheduled for parallel release with the 1.4 patch. You should definitely check these beautiful creations out to sate your hunger for carnage until May 15th.

Now where did I leave that drool bucket...

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