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Archived Posts - December 2002

Dec 25th


  Christmas  - [ Gholsbane | 10:34 EST ]

So, it's Christmas again. Have fun and get lots of useful and enjoyment inducing gear. Oh and don't forget to take time out of busy schedule of turkey eating, pressie opening and general loafing about to play some Myth. After all... no wait, what am I talking about? Eat some more Turkey GDI! Save some for me though.

Dec 23rd


PM.net Patch

  The Seventh Godblighter  - [ Gholsbane | 21:04 EST ]

Teepens sends word of a 4th party plugin he is working on using converted Bungie maps, Creation's The Seventh God units, and some of his own creations.

There is currently a publicly available Preview Pack at The Mill for testing.

You can check out some screenshots and learn more about this plugin and the progress being made on it at The Seventh Godblighter website.

Good luck to Teepens and the rest of the team working on this plugin.

PlayMyth.net Release Patch  - [ Gholsbane | 13:52 EST ]

PMA StoneCold of PlayMyth.net writes in with news of the PlayMyth.net v1.2 patch and some extras. Without garbling his words, here are.... his, umm... words:

We've released version 1.2 of the PlayMyth.net patch. Included in the patch are new interfaces and a PC program that allows people to create their own custom interfaces to distribute among the Myth community. The Mac version will be coming shortly.

Fixes include;
-addresses problems mac users experiences when viewing films.
-addresses issues allowing mythii and mythiii users to share the same server.

I, Myself, have set-up my own personal beta-test program for the MAC installer for the PlayMyth plugin. More info can be found at http://www.illusiondev.com/stone/

Dec 18th


  Myth 3 Development Update  - [ Gholsbane | 10:45 EST ]

Blades Oliva over on PlayMyth.net informs us that work is progressing well on Myth 3 Development. Sundry bugs and problems have been stomped, including keyboard problems under Jaguar.

The expectation is to have new Mac and PC builds available for download soon. It is hoped Myth 3 will be playable over PlayMyth.net by the middle of next January, but this is by no means a definite.

Check out the MythDevelopers website for a full status report of the bug fixes and improvements being working on.

Dec 13th


  News Script Addition  - [ Gholsbane | 18:05 EST ]

Thanks to some scripting by Claude, all news posts on the site now contain a permalink so you can link to specific stories from other sites. The link is in the title of each post if you ever need it.

Dec 7th


The culture of PM.net


  Clanplaid Down  - [ Gholsbane | 11:57 EST ]

It seems the ClanPlaid.net server has gone down once again. This means you won't be able to reach some community sites until service is restored. These include MythGuide.org, MythVillage.org and Clanplaid.net/.com. You can, however, reach Udogs and marius net since they conveniently moved servers after the last downtime.

UPDATE: A speedy recovery has been made and all the sites have returned.

New Soapbox at PlayMyth  - [ Gholsbane | 11:24 EST ]

PlayMyth.net have posted a new Soapbox article written by Damon Terzaghi, AKA Tainted Bliss, concerning the people who frequent the PM.net server and their attitudes towards online relationships. The article deals with some interesting issues and provides an in-depth look at the various social strata in evidence on PlayMyth.net.

This is worth a read even if you don't often play Myth online as much of it applies to online interaction on a more general level.

What? No News?!  - [ Zandervix | 10:09 EST ]

I just wanted to fill the void here and let you know that MBO is still (and will always) be alive and kicking. News has been a little slow lately, due to this busy season. We'll get back on the ball real quickly, I assure you. In the meantime, check out what else this site has to offer.

We have some new articles coming soon, as well as some additions to Mythmaster Central.

If there's anything you have written (articles, field guides, fan fiction, etc...), you can submit it to Gholsbane. For Mythmaster submissions, please send them to me. For news or general suggestions, you can send them to us. Keep on Mythin'!

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