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Archived Posts - October 2000

Oct 31st

Hello!... and a news update

  Greetings!  - [ Lophan | 12:37 EST ]

Happy Halloween!

Allow myself to introduce... myself... my name is Lophan and I will be joining the news staff here at bungie.org effective today. Some of you may know me from my days at The Myth Codex as "The Keeper of the Head," and some may even remember me from JJ's Myth Page. Nevertheless, I am happy and proud to to be a part of myth.bungie.org family.

And now, with out any further adieu: the NEWS!

All hell seems to be breaking loose over at www.rampancy.net. Ferrex seems to be knee-deep in the dead (sorry for the Doom! reference) and all sorts of strange announcements seem to be spewing forth from Redmond. Check it out!

Volund has released a new Myth II plugin entitled Siege Pack (available at The Mill). The Siege Pack plugin contains three maps - Siege at Red Sands, Alliance of the Apocalypse, and Blood Raid on the Plains. These are huge maps which include some new units and a fresh take on multiplayer gaming by incorporating solo-mission objectives into the mix, including a multi-objective beach raid and castle infiltration. The system requirements are hefty (80 MB minimum) due to the massive amount of units but early returns are in and it looks like a winner.

Oct 29th

News Roundup (again)

  Another News Roundup  - [ Forrest | 16:01 EST ]

Taking a cue from Claude, here's another quick summary of news from around the web over the past week. I'm really not up to this newsie bit, but the man who is, Gawyn, is busy studying AP English. So...

New Jinn Shots - A trio of nifty shots showing off Jinn's models.

Myth Among Most Influential Games - Myth: TFL listed as one of the most influential games.

My Modem is on Fire had a birthday. Happy b-day, Stefan.

A number of tournaments have started. See the Townhall for details.

And that's about it, as far as I can tell. I extend our collective appologies for all the slacking around here. Damn real life, take all the best of 'em down...

Oct 20th


News Roundup

  Gloomveil Incorporates Myth  - [ claude | 16:30 EST ]

We got this press release today from Tony Walsh. Well, read it for yourself.
[News]- Gloomveil.com shifts focus, includes Myth

Gloomveil is an original work of online interactive fantasy- an eerie world enshrouded in a thick, magical Fog. Launched in February 2000, Gloomveil.com offers intrigue and adventure for players of any "pen-and- paper" or computer-based fantasy game.

Some of you old-school Mythers may remember Rust Dragon as the handle for Tony Walsh, illustrator for the Myth World Cup 1999. Tony has taken his Myth persona through the Fog and straight into Gloomveil with the unveiling of "Rust Dragon's Lair," the encampment of a fearsome warlord :)

"Extensions" to the Gloomveil world are being planned for cross-platform games such as Neverwinter Nights, MythII: Soulblighter, and for print publication as a stand-alone work of illustrated fiction

"A mix of fan fiction, FAQs, reader submissions and unique Flash-based 'widgets,' Gloomveil goes beyond the simple fansite and becomes a work of art in itself." - Michael Eilers, Inside Mac Games

- Gloomveil.com
- Rust Dragon's Lair

Sounds intriguing... go take a look!

News Roundup  - [ claude | 16:25 EST ]

Okay, the site's been a bit slow recently. Dead, even. Sorry. We're working on it. In the meantime, here are some happenings around the Myth world recently,in no particular order:

There's probably a bunch we missed over the past two weeks, but that covers a lot of it.

Oct 3rd


  The Weathertop Released  - [ Gawyn | 6:30 EST ]

They Might Be Mapmakers is proud to announce our newest map: The Weathertop. The Weathertop is a multiplayer map, featuring 4 meshes and several modified and ported units. The Weathertop takes place in the beautiful mountain lands described in J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" series. With rushing rivers, rocky hills, rolling green hills, and sun bleached cobbles, The Weathertop is nice to look at, as well as play on. The meshes include: Light, Dark, TFL, and Ghol Riot. Light and Dark are self explanatory. TFL features units ported from the wonderful original Myth: The Fallen Lords. Ghol Riot features normal ghols, as well as bomb-throwing ghol anarchists and Fang Grinder.

You can download this plugin from the mill. Enjoy, and expect more Good Things to come from TMBM Soon!

Darth Maul ~TMBM leader~

Go grab it now!

Oct 1th


  Yet Another Mythmaster Central Update  - [ Forrest | 3:39 EST ]

A very cool one this time, that has taken a lot of hard work (not on my part, thankfully). Ryan "Smasher" Woodward vids Down A Broken Path following all laws and almost taking no damage. Now that's Style!

Check out Mythmaster Central!

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Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest, Lophan, Gawyn, and Pie-rat; webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; no portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from us.