Articles, rants, editorials... ...and, of course, weather

    The Articles
Dissapointed by Myth II - by Obelix.
Calm, yet dissolusioned, rant - by Remus Shepherd.
Death of Strategy - Myth II Map Lament - by Anonymous.
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    Article-writing Instructions
Hey you! Got a problem with Myth or Myth 2? Think you know that one thing that would make the games better? Angry at stupid whiners who don't know what they're talking about? Or perhaps, would you like to whine about something? Or how about good things? Think other game companies could learn from Bungie? Have a good concept for a new plug-in or map?
Want the public to see and hear your ideas?
If so, then this is the place to submit your articles to. As long as it is Myth-related, feel free to discuss any aspect of game...from the abscence of Forest Giants to the Essence of Camping to the Myth 2 recall to Matt Soell's "Big Three" list.
Before writing a rant, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
    Must be related to Myth, Myth 2, other Bungie games, and/or Bungie itself.
    No extremely offensive language (you know what I'm talking about).
    No groundless accusations or degrading comments (Exception: cheaters).
    MUST be proofread and spell- and grammar-checked! We will not do this for you!
After you have written your rant, please:
    Proofread it.
    Spell- and grammar-check it.
    Paste it into a plain text (.txt) file...SimpleText or Notepad.
    If you want to employ bold, italic, or colored text, please enclose the text in proper HTML tags.
    Send the file, UNCOMPRESSED, to, along with:
        Your name.
        Your e-mail address.
        The article type. (Rant, editorial, etc.)
        A brief description of what is discussed in the article.
We will then read the article to make sure it fits the guidelines, and post it to this site. The actual articles are shown right above this box.

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