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Parodies of Myth
It's The End Of The Cycle As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - Mumbles
It's the End of the World as we know it (And I feel fine) - R.E.M.

That's great, it starts with an early comet, ghols and
thralls, an ancient Head and old Alric is not upset.
Erupting volcano, listen to the earth churn - Wyrd
serves his own needs, dummy serve your own needs. Feed
it off an aux speak, grunt, no, strength, Balor
starts to battle with fear fight down height. Bodies
around a fire, guarding seven gates, mercenaries
for hire and a battle site. Left of west and coming in
a hurry with the Fallen breathing down your neck. Legion
by legion warriors beaten, tortured, tethered chopped.
Look at that low comet! Fine, then. Uh oh,
here they come, Shiver, dream duel, that'll do. Save
yourself, serve yourself. Wyrd serves his own needs,
listen to your heart bleed dummy with the capture of
the revered and the right, right. You vitriolic,
patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty

It's the end of the cycle as we know it.
It's the end of the cycle as we know it.
It's the end of the cycle as we know it and I feel fine.

Six o'clock - bloody hands. Don't get caught in foreign
lands. Slash and burn, return, listen to Tharsis
churn. Locking in, barricading, body burning, blood
letting. Every fear escalate. Ancient cities incinerate.
Light a candle, light a blaze. Step aside, step aside.
Watch your men kill, killed, uh-oh, this means no
time for tears. Fallen Lord steer clear! A millenium,
millenium, a millenium of lies. Offer me solutions,
offer me alternatives and I decline.

It's the end of the cycle as we know it.
It's the end of the cycle as we know it.
It's the end of the cycle as we know it and I feel fine.

The other night I dreamt of wonders, monumental
Great Devoid. Mountains sit in a line, Watcher, it's time.
Soulblighter, Shiver and Deceiver
too. Balloon dwarves, satchels, signal flare, boom! You
symbiotic, patriotic, cut ghol neck, right? Right.

It's the end of the cycle as we know it.
It's the end of the cycle as we know it.
It's the end of the cycle as we know it and I feel

Most of this content dates back from the Myth Nontoxic days and is self-credited. The FAQs are maintained (on the odd blue moon that they are) in large part by Lophan. The Fan Creations section is the brainchild of Gholsbane. Original HTML by Joshstar; most of it redone by Forrest.

Myth at Bungie.org is now maintained almost entirely by Gholsbane and Zandervix; Forrest is (theoretically) still around calling the shots when he can be bothered to check his email, and Claude, as always, OWNZ U. Original Nontoxic™ webpage design copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; updates and revisions mostly by Forrest. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies - you know who you are.

No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org, unless it is content created and submitted by you. By submitting content to this site, you grant Bungie.org the right to use it as they see fit, unless otherwise negotiated in writing.

Myth: The Fallen Lords, Myth II: Soulblighter, and all materials derived therefrom are trademarks and copyrights of Bungie Software Products Corporation (now Bungie Studios, a wholly owned subsidary of the Microsoft Corporation). We are not Bungie; we are an independantly run fan organization who Bungie has been so kind as to not sue for using their trademarked name in our domain. The Myth franchise is now owned by Take Two Interactive; Myth III: The Wolf Age is a trademark/copyright of Mumbo Jumbo, Inc., and is published by Gathering of Developers and MacSoft - none of whom are associated with us.
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