Tribunal's Rainy Day Fun-time Activity
"Tribunal's Tubularly Traptacular Trow" has a secret. You can jumble him up! Simply go to the "View Menu", and choose one of the selections under the "Arrange" sub-menu.
"By Date Modified" provides the greatest amount of puzzleicious fun, and "By Date Created" will appeal to the stupider players.
NOTE: Windows users will not have a menu system exactly like the one described. If they do, they are probably using a Macintosh. If you have Windows, you will need to open your computer and "Repeatedly Bludgeon the Innards With a Dull Screwdriver" until your computer "No Longer Works".
"Tribunal's Tubularly Traptacular Trow" will now jumble himself up, to the player's delight and disgust (depending on his mood).