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Saturday April 25, South of Silvermines

Still Shiver stands between us and Soulblighter, just as she did two days ago on the Ire River. The men who fought there faced an army of thrall meant more as an impediment than anything else. Did Soulblighter plan to wash both the Legion and Shiver out to sea? Truly there is no end to the fiendŐs malfeasance.

Alric was able to repel Shiver's attack and push her all the way to the broken lands south of Silvermines, but there was never an opportunity to strike at her directly. We will resolve that within hours.

The Deceiver has been screaming for Shiver's blood all day. Alric has chosen five men of unwavering courage to accompany The Deceiver into the labyrinth of ravines where she hides. There they will hunt her down and destroy her.

With Shiver gone, Alric and the rest of us will attempt to outflank Soulblighter and pin him against the Cloudspine.

Postgame Pictures

  • Victory!

    Victory Screen
  • Defeat!

    Defeat Screen