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The Journals

The Journals record the prelevel narrations and images from each level. They are hyperlinked to the corresponding Field Guide pages for your convenience. We suggest you start from the prologue of Myth: The Fallen Lords and work your way through, but of course you don't have to.

Myth: The Fallen Lords

Myth II: Soulblighter

Myth II: Chimera

Myth III: The Wolf Age

The Comet Returns

The Tain

The Sun Hammer

The Leveller

  • 22: Dream Duel

    July 2nd, 1440 A.E., The ruins of the Downs
  • 23: Fall of the Crown

    September 25th, 1440 A.E., Near the Nornpass of the Cloudspine
  • 24: Vengeance

    September 26th, 1440 A.E., Moagim's camp, the Nornpass
  • 25: The Traitor

    September 26th, 1440 A.E., The heart of the Nornpass